Building communities of knowledge for competitive MSEs
Acronym |
Skills4MSEs |
Priority axis | Enterpreneurship and Innovation |
Specific Objective | Territories of Knowledge |
Call | 1st Call for Project Proposals |
Lead Partner | Business and Cultural Development Centre |
Partners |
Albanian Besa Capital Foundation FED Invest Microfond Sofia Foundation University of Macedonia, Department of Applied Informatics |
Budget | 504.278,00 € |
High unemployment rates, both on total active population and on youths, is the main common concern as it also generates negative side effects affecting social cohesion of the whole programme area. On the other hand, Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) employ a significant portion of the population in the cooperation area and are important drivers for growth and jobs’ creation.
The Skills4MSEs project targets to develop an integrated cross border learning structure for the provision of Business Development Services and other business support tools for existing and potential MSEs (micro and small enterprises) in both electronic and physical form. The aim of the Skills4MSEs project is to reach amaximum territorial impact on competitiveness, through internal spill over and leverage effects on knowledge transfer. The specific objectives of the project are to encourage social entrepreneurship as well as start‐up businesses, promote coordination between public education institutions and NGOs, exchange of best practices between the participating regions,pilot testing of the offered services,contribute to EC goals by granting special attention to the business support of migrants and formerly bankrupt entrepreneurs and those at risk of bankruptcy, increase employment in the programme area and also reduce brain drain.
The project aims at:
- Encouraging existing and potential entrepreneurs to acquire the necessary skills in order to enhance their competitiveness
- Encouraging of social entrepreneurship and second chance entrepreneurs
- Strengthening the professional skills of immigrants in order to facilitate them in finding employment
- Exploring innovative business education methods through the use of the project’s online training platform
- Supporting micro-businesses through their connection with micro-credit providers to provide financial support to their business
Skills4MSEs project is a constructive cooperation between Albania, Bulgaria and Greece.
Communication Plan
Skills4MSEs Communication Plan
D.3.1.1 Training Needs Analysis_KEPA
Deliverable 3.1.1
Skills4MSEs Youtube Channel