One needs to look no further than the land and seas we share. What happens on the one side of the border affects the other side as well. The need for joint actions is gradually becoming the normal than the exception
Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Republic of North Macedonia and Greece come closer and cooperate within the new Interreg “Balkan-Mediterranean” Programme. In the Balkan Peninsula and the Mediterranean Sea, we have a new possibility to join efforts, beyond mountains, seas and borders
BalkanMed acts as a driver and pioneer for tackling common challenges and needs in our countries, by joining opportunities, sharing ideas, discovering innovation
40 million Euros are offered by the European Union together with Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Republic of North Macedonia and Greece
We want to help our regions and countries become the best they can be.
We want to lead ourselves as citizens to a better everyday life in the future.
Entrepreneurship & Innovation and Environment are the routes we have chosen to our success