University of Crete,Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry

Priority Axis


Specific Objective Biodiversity
Country Greece
Organization/ Entity University of Crete,Department of Chemistry, Laboratory of Analytical Chemistry
First Name Nikolaos
Last Name Chaniotakis
Address Vassilika Voutes, 70013 Heraklion, Crete, Greece
Contact Phone 0030 2810545018
Project idea title Biodiversity Maintance of Crete
Specific problem to be addressed The intensification of agriculture in Greece and specifically in Crete, lead to an exponential increase in the use of chemicals (insecticides and fertilizers), that leak in to the waters and soil causing having negative impact on all kind of organisms. The most important of this are eutrophication, physiological changes in organism and reduced resistance on diseases. The most important problem cause by the intensification of agriculture is the reduction of biodiversity.
Main project activities planned 1. Recording endangered beneficial insects which are n enemies of main pest (Drosophila suzukii, Ceratitis capitate, Bactrocera oleae) 2. Creation of eco-friendly pesticide by studying the attractiveness of fruit volatile compounds to the main pest 3. Information, education and training of professional and amateur farmers on Integrated Pest Management in general and of our eco-friendly pesticide in particular
Expected outputs and results 1. Updated knowledge about the number type and importance of beneficial insects. 2. Reducing the pesticide use, increasing the use of Eco-friendly Pesticides and Biological crops 3. Increasing awareness of professional and amateur farmers regarding the protection of biodiversity
State you area of expertise/ interest Area of expertise: 1. Agriculture 2. Analytical Chemistry Area of interest: 1. Agriculture Engineering 2. Entomology 3. Organic Chemistry