Promoting Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings of the Balkan Mediterranean Territory


Priority axis Environment
Specific Objective Sustainable Territories
Call 1st Call for Project Proposals
Lead Partner Region of Epirus - Regional Unit of Thesprotia
Partners Cyprus Energy Agency
Department of Electrical and Mechanical Services
Development Agency of Evia SA
National Agency of Natural Resources
Regional Development Agency with Business Support Centre for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Budget 1.052.500,00 €


The common challenge of PRO-ENERGY is to improve energy efficiency of public buildings (municipal/provincial/regional buildings, schools, universities, health centres, hospitals, museums, sports facilities etc.). This is a common problem faced by the territories participating in the project characterized by old facilities, outdated/degradated building façades, materials & equipment (insulation, electrical appliances, cooling/heating systems etc.), low energy consciousness & awareness, lack of skilled civil servants, etc. all leading to high energy consumption & CO2 emissions. Combined with the fact that participating territories are energy import dependent it is more than evident that there is room for improvements in energy consumption & more efficient use of energy. More importantly, the exemplary role of the public sector should be promoted by increasing energy savings in public buildings.

PRO-ENERGY aims to address these issues by developing & implementing a Joint Strategy & Action Plan, increasing competences of buildings' owners & operators, developing & applying technologies & tools to reduce energy consumption in public buildings,& promoting generated good practices & results to local/regional/national entities in the Balkan-Med region. The project addresses the policy & institutional level (Joint Strategy& Action Plan),human resources level (Capacity Building of Energy Managers)& the managerial systems level (ICT Platform & CBA Modeller & Energy Performance Contracting-EPC). The novel energy saving technologies promoted by PRO-ENERGY refer to Behaviour-based Energy Efficiency. Behavioural efficiency programs introduce cost-effective ways to reduce energy consumption, as literature & practice suggests.

The overall objective is to promote Energy Efficiency in public buildings in the Balkan Med area & to create a practical framework of modelling & implementing energy investment interventions through specific ICT monitoring & control systems,& through EPC.

Communication Plan
