Towards Zero Energy Hospitals in the Balkan region


ZenH Balkan
Priority axis Environment
Specific Objective Sustainable Territories
Call 1st Call for Project Proposals
Lead Partner Democritus University of Thrace, Department of Environmental Engineering
Partners Albaforest - Centre for Forest Studies and Consulting
Center for the Promotion of Sustainable Practices and Rural Development
Sofia Energy Centre Ltd
The Cyprus Institute Ltd
Budget 816.096,92 €

One of the basic energy objectives of EU is to decouple energy consumption from economic development. To meet the challenge the EU is setting specific energy efficiency and carbon emission goals for the years 2020, 2030 & 2050. The long term goal (2050) is to achieve a reduction of the CO2 emissions to 85% with respect the 1990 levels. The project aims to facilitate the implementation of the EPBD by defining the characteristics and Standards for Zero Energy Hospitals in the South Balkan region. Thus, will contribute towards improved energy efficiency in the building sector. Hospital buildings are considered complex systems as they are hosting several energy intensive functions (HVAC under strict comfort conditions, high HOT Water demand, Kitchen facilities, etc.). There is considerable work in EU on the definition of near Zero Energy residential buildings, offices and hotels but not for hospital buildings.

The partnership covers all 5 eligible nations with partners from the academic sector, an energy center that emphasize on promotional activities for EE and RES and provides consultation services to governments and 2 IPA organizations with expertise in local development actions with regard EE & RES. Both IPA organizations are experienced with EE and RES applications in to building structures. The academic partners have undertaken specific actions in designing ZEB for complex buildings such as Museums in GR (strict internal comfort conditions) and a University Laboratory Building in CY.

The expected outputs are summarized as
1) produce benchmarks and design guidelines for ZenH;
2) Improve the technical capacity of professional groups and government officials towards the ZE buildings notion; and
3) prepare detail analysis including technical standards & tender documents for 7 hospital buildings that will be ready to seek financial tools for their implementation.

The methodological approach is to work on a joint implementation approach for the development of robust retrofitting design tools that could adapt o regional climate & RES potential characteristics. The partners will derive primary data from energy audits and use data from existing Building Data Hubs to support the production of proposed tools. The work on tools development will be implemented in transnational work groups and expertise will be sought throughout the region of project application. All the capacity building events will be open to remote participants to maximize their significance. Nontechnical government officials is a crucial target group for the transferability of the produced results and will be invited to participate in the policy and planning meetings of the project (KO, midterm & final meeting). The added value is the training of building professionals to new concept and technical approaches that will advance the impact of the EPB Directive on other building sectors with regard the concept of Zero Energy Buildings.

Communication Plan

ZenH Balkan Communication Plan 