Creativity and innovation driven enterprises' network


Priority axis Enterpreneurship and Innovation
Specific Objective Territories of Knowledge
Call 1st Call for Project Proposals
Lead Partner Hellenic Management Association
Partners Business Confederation of Macedonia
Limassol Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Union of Albanian Business
Union of Hellenic Chambers of Commerce
Union of Private Bulgarian Entrepreneurs “VAZRAZDANE"
Budget 711.613,62 €

New ideas and innovative approaches to all production, organisation and marketing functions, if appropriately incorporated into enterprises’ strategies and planning, will assist enterprises in the MedBalkan countries to recover from the economic crisis affecting employment and growth potentials. Stimulation of enterprises’ creativity and innovation and, as a result, upgrading of their competitiveness and employment, particularly in this difficult economic climate, calls for newly designed and properly delivered entrepreneurial learning programmes. Deviating from conventional thinking suggesting that creativity and innovation are relevant for certain only “new” economic sectors, it may be argued that businesses in “older”, more “traditional” industries should also be encouraged to adopt new approaches to their growth and development strategies. 

The “Creativity and Innovation Driven Enterprises’ Network” (CIDE-NET) project will be implemented by six (6) organisations from five (5) countries (Albania, Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Republic of North Macedonia and Greece). It will support entrepreneurs in selected activity sectors to run competitive and viable businesses and enhance their effectiveness and viability. All sectors and all enterprises in which creativity and innovation could play an important role in strengthening efficiency and competitiveness are eligible project beneficiaries. Transnational cooperation among enterprises in different partner countries will be promoted through both practical and theoretical learning activities and support. Educational activities will be organized and supported by customised innovative online mentoring tools.  A digital platform will be designed and built to facilitate training and cooperation among partners, trainers and trainees and also to support entrepreneurs learning from each other.

The CIDE-NET project’ main aims are:
(a) Development of entrepreneurial learning programs for the promotion of enterprises’ creativity and innovation in a number of selected activity sectors, in a number of Balkan States which, in many ways, lag behind richer countries in the rest of Europe;
(b) Enterprises’ networking and cooperation, at both national and transnational level, to mitigate disadvantages inherent in small size and relatively poor skills;
(c) Wide dissemination of Good Practices and stimulation of innovative entrepreneurship positively impacting on cross border cooperation, regional development, economic convergence and reduction of regional inequalities;
(d) Development of cross transnational Enterprises’ Networks ensuring project results’ durability, sustainability and transferability;
(e) Presentation through the Project “Legacy study” of recommendations for measures promoting cross border cooperation among “creativity and innovation driven” enterprises.

Communication Plan

CIDE-NET Communication Plan

D.2.2.2   Legacy Study
